How to Keep Yourself Zeroed In On Your Tasks

My main goal this morning was to work on my business blog first—review prior posts and write a new post. Instead, I sat on the porch settee and drank a cup of coffee, sorted my papers, started a load of laundry, tidied the kitchen, pre-shrunk fabric for masks, reconciled my business bank statement, etc. I distracted myself from my mission. Do you plan a priority project for the morning/day, then you take care of other tasks instead? How do you keep yourself focused on your main project? Some “tricks” I try:

Create a workspace where you feel good. I tried three areas in my home for a home office. One was near the hub of home activity and distracting. The second was a bedroom room, smaller space, darker, and seemed to block my energy. The third which is now my office is larger, has more natural light, and inspires me to stay focused on my goal until finished or at least complete several steps of a larger project. Playing my favorite music helps too.

Make a master list. This one is my favorite. I am more industrious on the days I make a master “to-do” list. I schedule several “assignments” from this list on my paper calendar which helps me concentrate on one item at a time. It is like setting a timer, allows me to work on one aspect of my job at a time; I switch to another job when the scheduled time is up. If I do not make a list, I most often find something – anything! – to do other than what I need to do. If we get off track, try again the next day.

Change your scenery. I go to my “other office”—a local coffee shop or the new library—to rekindle my creativity and stop myself from nibbling on food.

Use distractions to give yourself a mental break – and then resume work. Our cat would walk across the keys on my keyboard, causing me to pause typing…for obvious reasons. (Her helpful blog contribution: juik6t5xsdbv0op76yt2q1vgf;). I embrace the interruption then refocus on my task when she wandered off

I stop several times during my workday to tidy my workspace because I find untidiness to be a work progress distractor.

I would like to hear from you about how you get yourself back on track if you stray from your goal of the day.


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